About Mr Aye Myint aka Md Edris

Mr. Aye Myint, also known as Mohammed Edris, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. He began his professional journey as a Mathematics and Physics tutor at a Community-Based Tuition Center in Myanmar starting in 2010. During his second year at Sittway University, he actively participated in the Saffron Revolutionary campaign , a major uprising against the Military Junta, showcasing his commitment to political activism and social justice. His engagement extended to his local community where he served as a board member of the election committee in his village.

In the wake of escalating violence and persecution, Mr. Aye Myint fled to Bangladesh. There, he has dedicated himself to humanitarian efforts, working with various NGOs and INGOs. His notable affiliations include Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Community Partners International (CPI), Brac University, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Alongside his humanitarian work, he continues to nurture young minds by tutoring at a Community-Based High School.

Mr. Aye Myint’s commitment to his community extends beyond his professional roles. He was an influential figure in the Global Rohingya Students Union (GRSU), where he contributed significantly to the organization’s mission. Now, he serves as the deputy executive director of the Rohingya Aid & Empowerment Network (RAEN), further exemplifying his dedication to the empowerment and support of the Rohingya community. His multifaceted roles highlight his unwavering commitment to education, humanitarian aid, and advocacy for his people.